Best A Team Performance: Josh White
Best B Team Performance: Joe Daniels
Best C Team Performance: Max Wade
Best D Team Performance: Max Wade
Getting S*** On (being binned twice in one race): Michael Okeke
Complete and Utter Moron (an act of sheer stupidity x2): Max Wade
Weary Shoulders (for carrying the A Team): Rory Smith
All The Gear But No Idea: James Zhou
Mixed Veg (for hysterically underperforming): Nathan Philips
Great Wall of China (for best defensive driving): Max Wade
Most Influential Couple (UBMRC's very own 'little and large'): Ethan Hurford & Ben Boros
Disappointment of the Year (showing great potential but absolutely bottling it): Ben Boros
Racing Driver Book of Excuses (for somehow always getting given a bad kart???): Josh White
"Part-Timer" (for being on committee for two years and never driving a BUKC kart): Evie Oldfield
Worst Whip in the Club: Jake O'Sullivan
"Did you know I was a BRDC rising star?": Oli Basey-Fisher
Best Dressed (for having the best sports night costume): Sophie Laing
Most Improved Driver: Ben Boros & Max Wade
Best Team Player (for racing in the interest of the club): Ethan Hurford
Golden Steering Wheel (lifetime achievement): Jake O'Sullivan