Interested in helping to run UBMRC next year? Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at the club? Want to get involved? We will be accepting nominations for the 2025/26 committee in February!

All six committee positions are open for you to nominate yourself if you wish to. You can run for more than one position if you wish to! Take a look at each of the photos with a brief description of what the positions involve. We strongly recommend you consider this, as being on a club committee is really something that can give you experience to be found nowhere else at university. Speaking from my own experience as president, running the club has honestly been the highlight of my time at uni. I'd be kicking myself right now if I hadn't given it a shot.

Sound good? Traditionally, each year the new committee is elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), whereby we ask all nominees to give a very brief speech, letting everyone know why they believe they are best suited to their chosen position. The AGM is also a chance for us to celebrate all that has happened during the last year, say goodbye to some graduating members, and essentially cock about in the learning centre for an hour or two.

The AGM date and time are TBC.

Please send a short email to detailing your name and the position you'll be running for! Alternatively, if you have any questions still, send one of us current committee members a message so we can help you out.

We look forward to hearing from you!

The following roles are available:


President of the UBMBRC - sounds good, doesn‘t it? Sadly, it‘s

not for the light hearted. As President, the club's resources

and power are at your disposal, allowing you to steer the club

in the direction you so choose. As that bloke off spiderman

once said though, with great power comes great

responsibility, with yours being to maintain all aspects of the

club. As the head of the committee, getting the most out of your colleagues is vitally important, ensuring they are

confident in their work and have a reliable source of guidance. Moreover, it is your duty to manage relationships with all club members, accommodating for all needs and requirements to create a friendly atmosphere. Chairing driver briefings, managing social races, working to run the competitive side of the club are all key to ensuring the club operates efficiently. Don't try and do it all on your own however. Your fellow committee members should always be consulted when making important decisions. 

Social Secretary

Are you the life and soul of the party? Do people flock to you for fun? Well perhaps you would make a great social sec! The role of social sec is to bring all members of the club together in a safe and friendly environment.

You will enable members to socialise, make friends, and partake in activities together to maintain a solid club community. The key is organising events that will appeal to all. A balance of sober socials, such as meals and group activities, attending car shows and other social events such as sports nights and pub quizzes. It is the job of the social sec to arrange all of the above, negotiating prices and events with various companies and establishments to put on the most enjoyable socials possible. Most of all, the social sec needs to make sure everyone in the club has fun outside of racing!


 I can't walk down the street without people asking me,

"VP what do you do?” well lucky for you, now you get the answer. Just the like the vice-chancellor the vice-president is the most important role on the committee; the president might be the poster boy but you do all

the hard work. All kidding aside though, being vice-present isn’t a free ride on the coat tails of others but a diverse and challenging role which requires a

proactive individual to both delegate and assist. As the new VP you will work closely with the president to decide the club's direction, assist other committee

members with duties and laisse with UBSport. You should consider yourself a friendly an approachable person, always looking to deal with committee and member’s queries, questions and concerns. Specific roles will include the organisation of

24hrs, social race planning, driver allocation and more. All of which will help you develop your teamwork and leadership skills. If you believe you have these qualities along with the

commitment required to take up a committee role I encourage you to run for Vice-President.

Media Officer

What would the club be without Facebook? Twitter? E-mail?

Probably rubbish. More importantly, what would the club be without somebody to run these? If you've got a lot to say for

yourself and a knack for technology, then the Media Officer is the role for you. The Media Officer is the online face of the club, responsible for how the club is recognised and represented. The position covers everything from updating to Twitter and lnstagram to photo editing, making graphics and updating the website. It’s an essential role that has previously won prestigious awards for the UBMRC. If you want to make a difference the club, hold a place in the both the history and future of the club and greatly develop personal skills, then make sure you consider applying to be the UBMRC Media Officer.


 A vital role, that all clubs have, that has you handling all of the club finance. It involves you keeping track of the money

coming in and out of the club and taking payments for all the club events throughout the year. An important part of being a Treasurer is constructing accurate financial forecasts and constantly predicting so that the club is in the green at the end of the year. Knowledge of Microsoft Excel comes in handy when regularly using it to keep track of the finance. The role is perfect for someone that really wants to understand how the club works as well as someone who strives to be the organised one in the club! You'll be developing and demonstrating your interpersonal skills as you are regularly representing the club when collecting and making payments. The club‘s finances are constantly

changing throughout the year, so as Treasurer, it's your role to ensure that finance is always on the agenda for the club’s survival and is never a topic that slips.

BUKC Captain

The BUKC Captain is essential in the running of the competitive side of the club. It is very important that they know all about how the BUKC runs, as well as the club 100 karts and race craft in general, whilst not being too shabby behind the wheel themselves! The BUKC Captain's roles include organising BUKC events and transport, assisting with driver briefings, choosing the

teams and grids, and organising drivers and kit on the day etc., but these jobs can be ollaborated with Vice-president and President where necessary. The BUKC

Captain is also responsible for ensuring all club kit makes it too and from races, and is also stored correctly in the club locker. The BUKC Captain also has some less

competitive roles within the club. They all in charge of completing the kit order for all members, and then distributing it when once it arrives.